Anime Limited Confirms Angelic Layer Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray Packaging Details

Earlier in the year Anime Limited announced that they would be releasing CLAMP’s 2001 anime series Angelic Layer on Blu-Ray as a Collector’s Edition Blu-ray release, and this weekend via social media the distributor revealed what one could expect from the packaging and presentation of this Collector’s Edition release.

For this UK Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray release of Angelic Layer fans will receive the complete series, which consists of 26 episodes in English and Japanese (with English subtitles) across three Blu-Ray Discs, in addition an art book containing artwork and information about the series. The Blu-Ray discs will come package in a digi-pack sleeve that slots into the art box alongside the art book; a presentation style we have seen for most of Anime Limited’s Collector’s Edition releases.

Disc contents have not been mentioned BUT we assume that Anime Limited will use the disc masters created by Sentai Filmworks, who released the series on Blu-Ray in North America. If this is the case the episodes will be presented in 1080i format with 2.0 audio formats while bonus features will include textless opening and closing animations, Episode Commentaries as well as Production artwork.

Angelic Layer is scheduled to be released on the 24th September 2018 as a Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray release and is available to pre-order from retailers within the UK.

About Scott Emsen
Scott is the Founder and Executive Editor of AnimeBlurayUK, but in the past he has produced content for ZOMGPlay, Rice Digital and Funstock and was once a Community Moderator for the Nokia N-Gage forums. Based in the UK, he loves anything related to Games & Anime and in In his spare time you'll mostly find him playing on one of his many gaming consoles.

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